*Jasmine and Abbey walk together, carrying their trash bags.*
Jasmine: Check out my Paulo impression.
*Jasmine clears her throat.*
*Jasmine, surrounded by hearts, smiles and raises an eyebrow, impersonating Paulo.*
Jasmine: ♥ Eyy, babe! Lookin’ real sex-ay! Whaddaya mean yer busy? I’ve been doin’ nothin’ ’cept video games and eatin’ trash! S’no wonder the girls find me sooo irresistible~! ♥
*Jasmine pulls a cocky face and makes a finger gun, still mimicking Paulo.*
Jasmine: Wanna follow MY study plan? I’ll take ya all the way to C-minus!
*Abbey grins and snickers.*
Abbey: Snrkkkkhahah
*Abbey joins in on the impressions, holding a hand to his ear as if he’s listening to someone.*
Abbey: What’s that, Jazzie? Busy AGAIN? Don’t sweat it, I’ve got six other girls on my list and a helluva short attention span!
Jasmine: HAHA right?
*Jasmine strikes an overdramatic pose, with her hand to her cheek and her eyes closed.*
Jasmine: ~It’s not you, it’s me~
*Jasmine places her finger to her lips, looking up in thought.*
Jasmine: .. and Daisy and Lucy and Rachel and everybody else.
Abbey: Hahahaha!
*Abbey squints.*
Abbey: What a child.
*Jasmine smiles lightheartedly.*
Jasmine: Amen to that.
*Jasmine continues to smile, then frowns and begins to panic again.*
Jasmine: Now I’m double-sorry for pulling so many pranks on you!
*Abbey waves his hand at her.*
Abbey: Don’t worry about it..

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Comments from around the web
Now I ship them even more, when will JasminexAbbey become canon
Tumblr: jeroenhd-aka-nonamebcb May 27, 2016
Please get together and fuck off from the main group so you can both talk shit to each other into oblivion
K thanks.
Facebook: Cassidy Wr May 27, 2016
im guessing she’s still bitter. And well abbey is abbey. Wonder how this will all play out
Facebook: Ifrica Norman Jr. May 27, 2016
Abbey: “I assume my girlfriend would cheat on me and I assume Paulo would cuckold me, so I killed two birds with one stone - took her best friend away by smashing his throat in a bathroom. That’ll teach him to do my girl a favour when I’m too busy lying my ass off to her to do it myself.”
Jasmine: “Paulo and I had a mutual breakup, then I saw him sitting really close to some girl I met at a party so I assumed the worst and guilted him about… dating me? Dating someone else after me? Breaking up with me while I broke up with him? I don’t even know. All I know is that he’s really immature for gently letting me down so he could avoid stringing me along and instead pursue someone who didn’t make him feel shitty about himself.”
Abbey: “What a dick that guy is, right?”
Jasmine: “Totally worthless.”
Facebook: Thomas Osborn May 27, 2016
This page makes me feel good, it’s preety clear both of them needed to vent it all out without worrying about being judged
Sadly though, they’re not wrong about Paulo
Part of me hopes they do end up together and for Abbey to finally break up with Daisy for good, Daisy needs to get her own life in order as much as Abbey, and neither will accomplish this while being in such a loveless relationship
Facebook: Mike López May 27, 2016