109. Popularity Contest, page posted 11/16/20

Page 2 of 14

Popularity Contest — Page 2

Author commentary

Veronica: at least abbey and mike accept that they are not worth knowing LMAO

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #12319

I'm glad we're finally touching on this because this has always bothered me.

Why is Stacy friends with someone so toxic?

Someone that she values so much more than her friends that don't care who she is and what she likes.

And someone that causes her to ignore all her other friends.

What is she getting out of that friendship?

Is it even a friendship?


Comment ID #12320

Who is the "toxic friendship" you are talking about.. The girl she is walking with or Sue. I can see it either way.


Comment ID #12321

O.0 Is hell freezing over...did Abbey just agree with Paulo.


Comment ID #12322

I know Sue gets excited, but... Pushing activities on people outside of that activity isn't cool. She constantly seems to PUSH PUSH PUSH and, while it sucks Stacy ignored her, sometimes people don't WANT to organize, do minutea, or whatever it is Sue would like. Sometimes they just want to enjoy whatever it is in peace, without having to bring their private hobby to work, school, w/e. And that is totally valid.

Tammi Fierro  

Comment ID #12323

So can I, but in this case I'm talking about Katie.

The yellow dog.

I've never liked her.

Maybe Sue will do some growing in this chapter as well?

Maybe her and Stacy.

Those two are hardly touched on in the story.


Comment ID #12324

Sue: IGNORE ME!!!! (Venture Bros. reference)


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