Intermission: Another Flame, page posted 11/14/22
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Author commentary
Veronica: Hello everyoooooone!!
This scene is familiar, isn’t it??
ANYWAY Souppy and I have been VERY BUSY (And we also returned from a four-week family trip that uhhhhhh… involved my buffer getting murdered before my eyes) and I’m still working on the next chapter (Pretty far into it too!), but the buffer feels a little too weak FOR MY LIKING…
Especially because the next chapter hasn’t been properly edited/read through several times by Souppy yet (as per tradition)… so I thought it would be valuable to keep working on this chapter without feeling like it needs to be shoved out as soon as possible. To give it time to be properly edited and finished. And that is where this originally-meant-to-and-eventually-destined-to-be-a-BCI chapter comes in!!
It’s a fun one, though, I promise!! THINGS ARE GONNA GO A LITTLE DIFFERENTLY HERE… and you will see why
But yes I am definitely still working on the comic and I will get it out after this AU story ends, I promise ;__; I am sorry ;__; I hate doing this kinda thing, but I also would really hate to rush through this next chapter just for the sake of doing it and end up publishing RUSHED CONTENT.
Also I guess I’ve been slowly kicking away a REALLY BAD FLU i ended up catching on the family trip, like I’ve been super dead since I’ve come back from the trip despite coming back from the trip and IMMEDIATELY getting back to working on the next chapter. Like this flu was bad you guys, the kinda flu that makes you skip your damn period and have horrible fever and some vomiting spells!!! Would not recommend!!! Flu season has been awful, from the sounds of it, and I absolutely got rekt by it.
But nevertheless I PERSEVERED and kept working on this damn chapter hoping I wouldn’t have to post a BCI in-between chapters!! I suppose that’s another reason why I’ve been fighting this flu for like a month now, I literally have NOT allowed myself to properly rest, even during the family trip LMAOOOOOOOOO there was one (1) day I was so sick I was bedridden and I still wanted to dizzily join the family on their antics…
very cool…
anyway this sounds like me being a student explaining why I need an extension on my assignment to my professor (the reader), I hope you can forgive me lmao bUT I SWEAR THIS BCI IS SO GOOD. I had fun writing it!!!! I know a lot of people have been like “WHY DIDN’T MIKE PUT DOWN THE DAMN PHONE” and perhaps… we will see what happens…

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Comments from Patreon
Comment ID #22503
Mike: No, this needs to end! (turns off phone)
Comment ID #22504
this could have been a bci?
Comment ID #22505
Woah, is Mike growing a backbone for once or will he get cucked into Sandy’s problems again?
Comment ID #22506
Oooh an AU this time
Red Miso
Comment ID #22507
Oh so this is like a BCI type of chapter…
Guessing he either blocks/ignores Sandy or answers and tells her off.
Kash Bran
Comment ID #22508
Oooo I’m really into AU’s and What ifs so this should be really interesting
Comment ID #22509
So this is either he picks Lucy or he picks neither.
Comment ID #22510
Wish this is what had happened.. I’m grateful that we get this chapter, but I’m not ready
Comment ID #22511
Oh man I am so stoked for this. I looooove the AU chapters
Comment ID #22512