*Daisy holds her hands behind her back and smiles, looking upward. Augustus sits down next to her.*
Augustus: What are you looking at?
*Daisy continues to look up at the sky.*
Daisy: It’s just a really nice day, isn’t it? I’m surprised more people aren’t out here with us.
Augustus: Pfft, you should see this corner during the summer! It’s loaded with kids!
*Daisy leans down, surprised.*
Daisy: Really?
Augustus: Of course!
*Augustus sits on the hill, gazing outwards, with Daisy listening behind him.*
Augustus: Especially over finals.. everyone just sitting in the sun and rereading their notes..
Daisy: Ooh..
*Daisy smiles and looks at Augustus.*
Daisy: Are you usually one of them?
Augustus: Not up here. I do my reading outside of school.
*Daisy looks at Augustus, puffing her cheeks out.*
Daisy: You sure? Your grades aren’t suffering, are they?
*Augustus laughs with a sheepish smile.*
Augustus: No, no! I’m fine! Really! I made it this far, didn’t I?
*Daisy still looks concerned.*
Daisy: Well, okay, but you can always ask for help..
Augustus: Sure.
Augustus: Why the sudden interest in my study habits?
*Daisy smiles enthusiastically.*
Daisy: I love to help my friends!
Daisy: I think I’ve helped nearly everyone I know with something or another. Some need a little more guidance than others, like Davie..
*Daisy holds her finger to her mouth as she recalls all the people she’s helped.*
Daisy (narrating): He can’t ever stay on track.
*David laughs as Daisy side-eyes him.*
David: The farmer had FIVE chickens? In his WHOLE farm?
Daisy: …
Daisy (narrating): Then there’s Mikie, who’s just.. well.. perfect..
*Daisy and Mikie both gleefully smile as they do their homework.*
Daisy (narrating): I’ve even taught students in your grade, like Tess! She passed those midterms.. eventually!
*Daisy sternly smacks Tess with a ruler.*
*Back in the present moment, Daisy notices Augustus snickering.*
Daisy: Huh? What’s so funny?
*Augustus looks up into the sky with a bitter grin.*
Augustus: She really hasn’t changed. Still so eager to take advantage of anyone she meets..
*Daisy looks hurt and confused as Augustus smiles to himself.*
Daisy: ..?
*Daisy turns to Augustus, slouching with a sad expression.*
Daisy: What do you have against Tess? You don’t seem to like her much..
Augustus: …
*Augustus looks serious.*
Augustus: You’d be surprised what people would have to say about her.
Daisy: Huh..?
Augustus: Believe me, you’d feel a lot different about Tessa if you knew what she was like last year.
*Daisy clutches her hand to her chest, worried.*
Daisy: What.. What did she actually do?
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Reader comments
Comment ID #7427
More Suspense!
UNIT2960 April 22, 2010, 9:30 PM EDT.
Comment ID #105597
That "Dude" October 15, 2010, 5:11 AM EDT.
Comment ID #127856
Flop-a-lock drama!
SushiJaguar November 17, 2010, 11:31 AM EST.