50. A Distance Apart, original chapter posted 11/18/09

Page 13 of 14

A Distance Apart — Page 13

Author commentary

Veronica: I spent the past week with my brother and it sure was awesome! If you have siblings that are off doing their own thing you should call them!! It makes you wish you were young again.

Anyway.. yeah…

This is kind of what Lucy shoulda expected. I don’t think she ever had a chance so long as Sandy was in the picture.. though Mike has definitely soured on Lucy in recent times. At least he’s being nice here!

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Reader comments

Comment ID #277

… D’aw. That’s so screwed up. For both of them; one for Lucy being rejected, and two for Mike totally mixed up with his emotions but trying to feel thankful that she told him and sympathetic about her feelings. Oh, the drama of a teenagerrrr~! -sings-

However, I can’t tell Lucy’s expression in the last panel. Is she looking back without turning her head? Or is she still covering her face?

On another note, I hope it helps you to know that when I go to my first period, I hop onto the computer and read these. They make my day so much for happy in the morning— even if the comic is emo(tional). -cries-

Glad you had a time!!

Amber December 16, 2009, 3:50 PM EST.

Comment ID #281

Haha for a second I didn’t realize panel 7 was a flashback and was like WAIT WHAT? LUCY?!
I’m glad this finally happened! I feel bad for Lucy but glad Mike said no.

Carma December 16, 2009, 6:38 PM EST.

Comment ID #286

I don’t know if I feel more for Mike or for Lucy. Finally though, the main love…line is in the light. I’ll admit though Mike’s… awkward rejection really made me feel like I was just shot down aswell.

I don’t even support MikexLucy.

Webdog December 16, 2009, 10:08 PM EST.

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