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Comment ID #743
Sorry to Word of God on you all..
Daisy doesn’t mean “chase her” as in “FORGET ABOUT SANDY AND DATE LUCY”, she means “APOLOGISE FOR UPSETTING HER AND BE A BIT MORE GENTLE ABOUT PUTTING HER DOWN”. Just because you’re taken doesn’t mean you have leeway to be mean to those that “lost in the race.” I’m pretty sure Daisy understands that, she WAS rejected by Mike! She didn’t take it too hot either.
So yeah, nobody forgot Sandy exists. And while Mike has been lovely and tactful and racked up his “mean points” until now, he should be kind of be aware that Lucy is insane and dependent. *punched*
Taeshi February 19, 2010, 1:28 PM EST.
Comment ID #43943
Despite how I would agree with Daisy in this case…it wouldn’t help whatsoever if he chased her. All in all, it would only make the situation worse. Sure, she’d be happy that he comforted her, but then she’d realize that it wouldn’t matter, because she could never have him.
Tsukaiz June 14, 2010, 2:55 PM EDT.
Comment ID #155007
I actually really like Daisy here! She’s acting like an awesome friend. And Mike’s being a jerkity jerk jerk. I mean, we know she loves Sandy and all, but why must he act so cruel to Lucy?? Is he mad because she loves him? He suddenly notices the way she is and gets angry by it? He’s the one that has been defending the way lucy is all this time!
I don’t get it.
V April 1, 2011, 11:52 PM EDT.