52. Another Shoulder, page posted 2/10/10

Page 1 of 16

Another Shoulder — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: Hello and welcome to a brand new chapter! Sixteen pages, you know the drill.

I guess Lucy is not coping with the rejection very well at all, and Mike is not coping with, err, Lucy, very well at all.

Anyway, what are you implying there, Daisy? For Mike to have chosen to be with Lucy to avoid drama??? Do you think you made the absolute right logical decision going out with Abbey, then???

.. Well, to be fair, you’re having a really great time with him.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #690

Daisy has caught Abbey’s specialty for being awkward, but has evolved it into MAKING things awkward.

Masu February 15, 2010, 11:58 AM EST.

Comment ID #698

Mm mm. So much for all that bestest friends business.

Moddy Auld February 16, 2010, 12:20 PM EST.

Comment ID #702

Daiiiissyyyyy you love making things better, yes?

Pick up a hinnnntttt learn socialll cuessss, your one of the least angsty of them all, man. They need ya to step it up.

Agentwebdog February 16, 2010, 6:12 PM EST.

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