*Lucy passes by two children playing frisbee. She glances at a body of water nearby, a concerned look on her face.*
*Lucy winces.*
*Suddenly, someone zooms by, shocking Lucy with a smack on the butt.*
*Lucy crosses her arms and frowns.*
*Paulo, an orange cat with white features and a fringe, greets her, posing with a skateboard. David, a brown dog, grins beside him.*
Paulo: ♥ Hey, babe ♥
Lucy: And seeing as David’s barely staying upright over there.. I don’t think you can pretend it was him this time.
*David struggles to balance on his skateboard.*
David: Hey! Look, Lucy!
*Paulo puts his hand behind his head.*
Paulo: Heh.
Paulo: Forgive me? ♥
*Paulo extends a hand to Lucy.*
Paulo: C’mon, hop on!
*Lucy looks uncertain.*
*Paulo flashes a grin, “boyish charm” written beside his face.*
*Lucy looks in the opposite direction, blushing furiously.*

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Comment ID #141412
Lucy…so cute! Lucy hesitates. Paulo uses Boyish Charms! Its super effective!
Lucy Rocks January 11, 2011, 4:23 PM EST.
Comment ID #191881
Looking back at all of this, I just laugh. It’s good to see that all the things that are used further on are just expanded from here, even if anyone reading from this point on doesn’t know them yet =P
Verad November 20, 2011, 8:35 AM EST.
Comment ID #196973
This page is one of my faves haha, the last few panels are great. Lucy, you little tsundere you <3
ket December 6, 2011, 9:07 AM EST.