1. Simple Pleasures, original chapter posted 11/2/09

Page 5 of 6

Simple Pleasures — Page 5



*Paulo and David speed down the sidewalk on their skateboards. Paulo holds onto Lucy, who nervously clings to him, while David lies belly-down.*
David: WHOO!!

David: Havin’ fun, Lucy-baby?

*Lucy nervously clings to Paulo.*
Lucy: I don’t wanna crash

Paulo: ♥ Don’t worry ♥
*Paulo holds Lucy romantically, cradling her in his arms.*
Paulo: ♥ Paulo’s got you ♥

*Paulo’s skateboard hits a dopey-looking turtle.*

*Paulo and Lucy freeze up.*

*Paulo lands face-first with a THUD as Lucy flies into the air.*
Lucy: YEEEK!!!

*Lucy is caught by Mike, a grey cat in a blue scarf.*

*Mike holds Lucy upright as she blushes.*

Mike: You okay?

Author commentary

Veronica: There he is!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #58


Tom November 12, 2009, 6:56 PM EST.

Comment ID #2528

Ahh... The turtle plot devise. Always there when someone needs to trip over something.

Phillip April 4, 2010, 12:12 PM EDT.

Comment ID #58105

I’m posting another turtle-related comment!

Michael July 10, 2010, 12:18 AM EDT.

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