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Comment ID #25109
Oooh alot of shades going to be thrown around
Rocky Wolfknight
Comment ID #25110
Lucy is definitely a bit out of touch with her friends…
Comment ID #25111
It’s hard to say who she truly considers a friend anymore… but the fact she’s out with Daisy must mean she still considers her one at least
Comment ID #25112
All honesty, and I may need to reread to make sure,
It’s kinda her own fault with that.
Especially from what I seen/gather so far, she’s likely making her self fulfilled prophecy come true from her own actions that her “friends” are going to turn against her, and i think it’s slowly showing.
And what I am worried about is she’s becoming little too co-dependent on August for I think in any situation. She’s Even not will willing to talk her own family about whats going on as far as we seen.
She’s in constant fight mood and its having a negative affect on everyone around, including August.
As far as we seen as well, she has no other social circle or group other than the main cast we seen.
So it makes me wonder a few things, what’s going to happen to her when August has to one day leave her.
And above all, what’s all going to come down to in this chapter.
Rocky Wolfknight
Comment ID #25113
I don’t think she’s starting to co-depend on August. She sees him as her closest friend right now and so she shares with him a lot of what’s going on with her. As a teen it’s not so easy to go to your parents and mention these things, especially when your mom is a more anxious person. Also Lucy seems to be the “I deal with my problems all by myself” type of person, so opening to August is a good thing. She still likes being alone from time to time and she pushes him to get his own friends as well.
Comment ID #25114
That panel with the stars…. Lucys demeanor shifted quite a bit since that panel and I wonder if shes beginning to regret trying to help out with the very people who made her feel like she didnt have any true friends and didnt help her out when she needed them most. :(
Comment ID #25115
The only person Lucy has to blame for feeling like she didn’t have any true friends is herself. These people were there for her constantly. She was the one who kept pushing them away and blamed every single issue of her on them. When she was at her lowest both Mike and Paulo went to check on her despite the pain she caused. She send them both away.
Kiall Vun Myeret
Comment ID #25116
Are you talking about how her brother sent them both away after the damage was already done? Or are you talking about how Paulo ‘checked on her’ by having sex with her and asking no questions when she was clearly mentally checked out and deeply depressed? Was that the checking on her we’re talking about? Is the checking on her in the room with us right now?
Comment ID #25117
Mike checked on her and wanted to apologise, Lucy used Lily to send him away.
Paulo checked on her while she was down and her brother did indeed sent her away
Guess what she didn’t stop him, she knew Paulo was there cause she called afterwards just to instantly hang up when he wanted to help
During the play Mike actually did apologise for what he said and said he wanted to start over again. Lucy agreed to this and then proceeded to act like it never happened
Paulo did say after having sex that there was something important he wanted to say to her so he clearly did want to talk to her. She just never followed up on him.
Cause let’s not forget that Lucy admitted that she only had sex with Paulo to have one last bit of fun before planning to dissapear from his life forever.
Lucy was the one who initiated it. The second time she tried btw
And let’s also not ignore that the “damage that was already done” was completely her own doing.
If she didn’t want Mike to lash out at her maybe she shouldn’t have been abusive for years on end or at the very least show some kind of remorse for it.
Next time maybe recheck if what you are saying has any kind of basis before throwing around a condesending tone like that or better yet don’t have it in the first place.
You’re only setting yourself up to look like a fool
Kiall Vun Myeret
Comment ID #25118
Where was it ever indicated that Lucy was ‘using’ those people to send others away? Where was it ever indicated they were acting on her orders in any way? It seemed clear to me that both Lily and her brother were taking initiative on their own behalf at that point to tell the people who had already harmed Lucy that at this point they could only make things worse. Lily talked Mike down from literally busting into the hospital and trying to force his way into her room or something past her crying family who might not have even known yet if she would be okay.
Sorry, it’s not my intention to offend you, some of your points are subjective and I can agree to disagree, but it seems to me that you’re making a lot of assumptions about Lucy ordering people around during a time when she was literally hospitalized after having fallen from a great height during a suicide attempt. I just don’t think that seems likely at all.
Comment ID #25119
Vero will you ever let these two be true friends LMAO please
Comment ID #25120
Lucy: Why did you walk away?
Me: Why didn’t you stop her? Isn’t that why your here, to stop her from running away and hiding? If your going to play cupid for these two, then do your job and play the role… Über dieses Ergebnis können Sie sich nicht beschweren…
Comment ID #25121
She had to pay. But yes I agree with you
Comment ID #25122
Comment ID #25123
Siiiiiiigh…. TEENS.
Comment ID #25124
Lucy: Damn right, you’re boring now!
Daisy: >:(