*Mike and Lucy are in class, sitting next to each other at their desks. Lucy has a pained expression on her face while Mike looks bored.*
Lucy: Nyuu, when’s school gonna eennndd!
*Yashy pops out next to Lucy, surprising her.*
Yashy: Speaking of which, shouldn’t I be in preschool now?
Mike: Wouldn’t you need a brain, first?
Yashy: Who asked YOU?!
Lucy: Why would you want to go to preschool? You’ve always been able to sit in on classes with me.
*Yashy beams at Lucy.*
Yashy: Ooh, so I’m GIFTED then?
Lucy: You could say that.
*Mike can’t contain his laughter.*
Mike: GIFTED? Gifted at disrupting every class, maybe!
Yashy: Shut up, Flea.
Lucy: Why do you care about this anyway? You’re a pet.
Yashy: What’s THAT supposed to mean?
*Mike snickers to himself.*
Mike: She means that school is no place for some Yoshi-lookin’ blob!
Yashy: WHAT?!
Yashy: I’m not no apple-eatin’ Yoshi, Flea! Shut up!!
Mike: Oh, sure, YASHY. Sure, sure.
*Yashy turns towards Lucy, indignant.*
Yashy: MOM, tell him it’s not true!
Lucy: Uhh..
*Lucy puts her finger to her mouth.*
Lucy: I was nine when I named you.. It wasn’t the most imaginative idea..
*Yashy scowls.*
Yashy: UGH.
Mike: Hee hee.
Yashy: HEY, at least I’m cooler-lookin’ than YOU, Fleabag!!
Mike: Pff, nice comeback. Preschool material, no doubt.
*Yashy angrily pouts.*
Yashy: Drop dead.
Lucy: Why are you getting on her case, Mike?
Mike: C’mon, Lucy..
Mike: Can you imagine her going to school?
Lucy: You really shouldn’t be thinking about school anyway..
Yashy: Why not?! Are you RACIST? Am I not entitled to an education?!
Mike: Maybe after you’ve grown big enough to carry us around on your back!
*Yashy waves her arms desperately.*
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Reader comments
Comment ID #89323
Yashy is just so funny in this comic So is Mike here
Yoshi reference!
Mittie Jane September 10, 2010, 3:01 PM EDT.
Comment ID #152492
Why does Yashy call mike flea
no time for dat March 18, 2011, 10:56 PM EDT.
Comment ID #176005
She’s four? Then why is she such a potty-mouth?
PencilMaster August 7, 2011, 12:12 PM EDT.