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Comments from around the web
What’s this “4th wall” you speak of?
Tumblr: jeroenhd-aka-nonamebcb April 11, 2016
Looks at Matt…. Oh my. I think I know what Paulo was (/may have been) doing all summer ~ <3
Facebook: Ana Lucía Cabanillas Enciso April 11, 2016
Um, I don’t get why is it so convenient for Matt…
On a side note, never has the preview of the page been so convenient before. I didn’t need to switch tabs to check the correct spelling x)
Facebook: Нина Исакова April 11, 2016
That maybe maybe not fourth wall break made me feel uncomfortable
Twitter: leetooreal April 11, 2016
i wonder why almost everybody is gathering up in this chapter
Facebook: Ivana Libiaková April 11, 2016
I’m sensing something unpleasant is gona happen with seeing one of lucy’s brother in that table…or may im wrong tehe X3
Facebook: Camilo Lopez Godoy April 11, 2016
Everything is nice and all but… WHERE IS DA ABBEY????
Facebook: Giulia Zito April 11, 2016
Planing something ^
Facebook: Brandon Mcbride April 11, 2016