92. Table for One, page posted 4/25/16

Page 16 of 20

Table for One — Page 16

Author commentary

Veronica: Can’t you pay attention?! Geez!

Oliver: So, over the weekend we released two big new member-exclusive comics!! Non-members can see previews for them at that link, so click it, take a read, consider joining to support us and get a lot of little benefits! People have been devastated by “Fork in the Road” particularly, and “Love Letters” gives you the Jessica and Madison relationship origin story you always wanted.

Thanks to everyone who came during the draw stream weekend!!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

Tumblr image
Tried out a different style.

Tumblr: jeicob-evurrist April 25, 2016

oh hey buddy what’s up how you been!!

Tumblr: miaaa-cs April 25, 2016

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