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Comments from around the web
Is that the same tree?
Facebook: Krista Bonnough May 4, 2016
For once I’m not infuriated by Daisy and Abby because they’re not there.
Facebook: Kim Toney May 4, 2016
@bcbcomic Ah that tree… So many memories… They’d be beautiful if you hadn’t ruined it Mike!
Twitter: Rateus_Johanson May 4, 2016
prays for sandy to be there honestly
Facebook: Annie Su May 5, 2016
Bittersweet Candy Bowl, a webcomic I’ve been following and adoring for many years, is having it’s 10th Anniversary today, so in dedication, have this.Happy 10th!! And thank you Taeshi for being one of my motivational inspirations. :’)
And also please check out the comic if you’re in the mood for cute, sad cat drama!
Tumblr: cloudy-dormir May 3, 2016