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Comments from around the web
Oh David. Never stop being you
Facebook: Hillary Akane Sotomayor April 13, 2016
O yeah to loud i still whant to now what happen
Facebook: Beat Hauser April 13, 2016
…oooy tooooy <3
Facebook: Нина Исакова April 13, 2016
Daisy’s face in that last panel is great. She’s just like NOTICE ME SENPAI!
Facebook: Michael Harris April 13, 2016
Oh Rachel, what are you up to? XDD
Facebook: Ana Lucía Cabanillas Enciso April 13, 2016
On today’s episode…

Twitter: cynicalartist April 13, 2016
oh! david, :facepalm:
Facebook: Baruc Alejandro April 13, 2016
Lucy confirmed dead : D
Facebook: Fabian Arce Mora April 13, 2016
I dont think all the hits to the face that Scott Sterling has received can do justice to what David just said. Also let the drama begin abbey just arived.
Facebook: Kris Rogan April 13, 2016