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On today’s episode…
Twitter: cynicalartist April 13, 2016
I dont think all the hits to the face that Scott Sterling has received can do justice to what David just said. Also let the drama begin abbey just arived.
Facebook: Kris Rogan April 13, 2016
This girl is like a sponge for drama and meddling in other people’s lives :-u “Welp the conversation with Paoulo isn’t tense anymore, let’s see what Mike’s up to”
Facebook: Matias Welz April 14, 2016
i cant believe lucy is fucking dead
Tumblr: charmi-kitty April 14, 2016
I’m glad that they’re over Lucy’s disappearance to the point where they can joke about it and no awkward silence ensues after her name is mentioned.
Facebook: Sierra Luna Brown April 14, 2016