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Comments from around the web
“Join the environmenal club!!! Better than our poster design :-[”
okay, that made me laugh
Tumblr: jeroenhd-aka-nonamebcb March 28, 2016
Poor Mike. A walkimg mix of tiredness and disappointment.
Facebook: Ana Lucía Cabanillas Enciso March 28, 2016
‘no running by penalty of lashing’ daaaaaang
Facebook: Daniel Nusekabel March 28, 2016
Mikes just mad that Lucy didn’t come back so he could murder her.
Twitter: MattHpy March 28, 2016
Franciiiinnee….i want the special lunch of the finest fish ‘u have. xD
Facebook: Camilo Lopez Godoy March 28, 2016
I’m not entirely sure why that kid is upset in that last panel.
Facebook: Joshua Sibley March 28, 2016