100. High Expectations, page posted 1/29/18

Page 18 of 30

High Expectations — Page 18

Author commentary

Veronica: *kill bill siren*

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web


Tumblr: nintcndo January 29, 2018

ah fuckity fuck

Tumblr: that-one-undertale-fan-guy January 29, 2018

i know this page is gonna go somewhere drama but tbh i’m just so happy seeing the looks on my precious babies’ faces look how happy they are and how happy they are hanging out together look at the light in lucy’s eyes and the big real genuine smile on augustus’s face i am cRyinG just lOOK AT THEM. BLESSED PAGE

Tumblr: solitairedeere January 30, 2018

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