100. High Expectations, page posted 2/7/18

Page 22 of 30

High Expectations — Page 22

Author commentary

Veronica: oh this is turning out much better at least

Augustus you coward

Check the news post below, The reprint of Volume One is now in stock if you want to buy it, alone or in a bundle!! By the way, the next draw stream is a little earlier than it said before: now it starts February 16!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

Man. I never really like Sandy or Mike. Their relationship is so toxic… This is what he deserves for treating Lucy like fucking garbage.

Tumblr: usagi-neechan February 7, 2018

a little insecure about their relashionship and the “bad” things she did to him on the visit where really not ill intended or that she was making less of him, and she feel scary of losing him too. So I wonder why she is ignoring him now?Do you think it’s proposital or because of some reason she has no control over, like her mom confiscating her phone and isolating her?Do you think there’s any way their relashionship could work out?(of course the way it’s now is just kinda toxic for […]

Tumblr: bramblepaws February 8, 2018

So, is Mikes douchebaggery contagious or something? Also, nice block Lucy. Been taking some fighting lessons I see.

Tumblr: daiskida February 8, 2018

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