Fair Game — Page 2

Author commentary

Veronica: Weirdoes are not necessary

if this were not 2008, it would be “randos” and I don’t know how I feel about that

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

I’d figure I’d check, is there any general interest in either a Mike and/or Abbey megathread? I’m in the process of doing the Daisy one. Might be ready by the weekend.

Tumblr: lacktastrophe September 16, 2018

Tumblr image
the art i did for the BCB contest banner!! @lacktastrophe made a really neat informational post about it, which you can find on the official bcb blog!! 
she’s a phantom

Tumblr: bramblepaws September 14, 2018

I dont want sandy x mike as end game ship, i definitely dont want lucy x mike as an end game ship but you know what i do want?
For this kids to get their shit together, mature and learn some god damn communication skills because holy fuck

Tumblr: snoozebox September 13, 2018

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