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Comments from around the web
i cant believe it only took 3 pages for paulo to become my least favorite character
Tumblr: bramblepaws November 7, 2018
Uugghhhh dude, paulo…
I’m face palming so hard bc like, every bi person that’s ever been in the closet will read this and be like “oh no honey, he’s not going to come out just like that…also stop being creepy??”
I do still have some hope that Matt will be Jordan’s “bi-curious” exception, but…heteronormativity, violent homophobia, and toxic masculinity makes that very statistically unlikely. The more realistic and likely ending… is ultimately going to be how our gay cinnamon roll will learn to cope with that very gay problem of unrequited same gender affections. I think its Possible in the right context you could get Jordan to experiment, but this…isn’t it.
Its all part of learning to navigate being bi and being part of lgbt, particularly being bi and having social solidarity with your gay buddies and lovers. So I’m gonna be pretty forgiving […]
Tumblr: pudgeydove November 7, 2018
Just pledged for the kickstarter as I do religiously with every new book since the first volume (got that sweet first edition hardback y’all) and I was rereading some of the most recent chapters and I’m not sure why it only just occurred to me but
I’m suddenly a little worried that maybe more happened to Lucy than we currently know about. Like there was a good chunk of story when she hadn’t attempted suicide yet, but she was still largely out of the picture, skipping school and the like.
What we do know: - she spent many lunch periods (maybe class periods?) with Augustus- followed Augustus home at least once (though I do think that was the first and last time)- she worked on the play, but mostly in her spare time or at least away from Mike- apparently spent a fair […]
Tumblr: septennial November 9, 2018