Fair Game — Page 7

Author commentary

Veronica: Jordan’s too eyebrow-thick and too stupid to be Lucy I guess

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Comments from around the web

PAULO x MATT WOULD BE SUCH A TWIST BUT HONESTLY? CUTElike they would have to go through a lot more together and i see them more as being friends, but IF they were to angle towards romantic it’d be cute in theory…. lots of help working thru internalized homophobia, Matt is very gentle and understanding with Paulo & helps Paulo kinda take a step back and look at his own actions in a critical way, and they both v much Like To Have Fun. i really hope that they become closer in-canon; i think it’d do Paulo a lotta good to have such a positive and gentle influence in his life. 

Tumblr: bramblepaws September 29, 2018

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I don’t know the full context here and that makes it way funnier

Tumblr: thewebcomicsreview September 27, 2018

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this is such a “dumb friends messing each other up” thing and i love it so much

Tumblr: bramblepaws September 24, 2018

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