104. Fair Game, page posted 11/16/18

Page 26 of 34

Fair Game — Page 26

Author commentary

Veronica: I like Paulo fidgeting by putting his foot against the glove box, I admit I used to do that a lot when I was in the passenger seat :-[ NOT ANYMORE BECAUSE I KNOW THAT’S UHHHHH PRETTY UNSANITARY.

We’re at Anime NYC all weekend! Come out to the Javits Center and find us in the exhibit hall, booth 460 (around the corner from VOLKS USA and Kinokuniya!)

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

Tumblr image
GAY PEOPLE! (applause)

Tumblr: sodadeath November 16, 2018

I wonder if Lucy was sent to him or something when she attempted, and she went to private school there before going back. It’d be a neat full circle, that’s for sure

Tumblr: maxineride818 November 15, 2018

sandy bcb really is my type of character, like she is just out there an absolute dumbass? just real fucking stupid? and like i feel that! i get that!! she goes completely missing for a month and is barely even in the comic but shes so powerful her mere existence causes All Of That and like she doesn’t even KNOW? icon. 

Tumblr: mayacreamnose November 15, 2018

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