28. Feline Festivities, original chapter posted 12/29/06

Page 3 of 16

Feline Festivities — Page 3



*Tess chuckles.*
Tess: You’re so cute!
*Mike leans away from her, looking ashamed.*
Mike: Guh, NO!!

*Mike looks distressed.*
Mike: Nghh..
*Lucy looks at him with concern.*

*She leans over and points to him.*
Lucy: You alright?
*Mike looks confused.*
Mike: Huh?
Lucy: You’re more spaced out than usual today.

*She puts her hands on her hips.*
Lucy: Whenever you whimper and whine like this there’s usually a reason. So what is it?

*Mike frowns.*
Mike: Lucy..

*He laughs, rubbing his head.*
Mike: I just had this weird dream and it got me thinking..
*Lucy glares.*
Lucy: Reading into your dreams again? You know that’s idiotic, right?

*Abbey smiles.*
Abbey: I don’t see a problem. Sometimes dreams surface ideas that can really help you find yourself..
*Lucy glances back at Abbey, unamused.*
Lucy: You sound like Lily.

Lucy: She’s always talking about the importance of symbols and stuff. But me, I know they’re just brain spasms.
*Lucy recalls Lily lecturing her about dreams, while Lucy looks annoyed.*

*David looks intense.*
David: Last night I dreamed I DIED. I choked to death on a ruler. What’s the meaning of THAT?!

*David bends a ruler, smiling.*
David: That’s why I don’t eat rulers. Maybe it was a prophecy.
*Abbey eats his sandwich and side-eyes David.*
Abbey: Well, they DO say dreams can be omens of things to come..

*Sue puts her finger to her chin in thought.*
Sue: It must just be coincidence, but my last few dreams did kinda come true..
*Mike considers her seriously. Lucy looks frustrated.*
Lucy: Yeah, sure.

Sue: No, really! I had this image of being driven to school..
*Mike looks down, worried.*
Mike (thinking): Could it really mean anything?

Lucy: But you ALWAYS get driven to school.
*Lucy’s speech bubble fades out as Mike recalls Sandy speaking to him.*
Sandy: Who says this year’ll be the same?

Sue: Yeah, but listen! This time it was in my dad’s..
*Mike perks up.*
Sandy: Keep wishing, Maishul..

*Mike’s eyes light up with hope. He smiles and blushes, sparkles surrounding him.*
Sandy: Your dreams can come true..

*Lucy notices Mike’s change in demeanor.*
Lucy: ..?

*She looks curious.*
Lucy: Now you’re glowing.
*Mike beams, clenching his fists in excitement.*
Mike: It was nothing a little hope couldn’t fix!

*Lucy scowls.*
Lucy: “A little hope”? What are you, a goddamn pixie?
*Mike’s face drops, and he looks annoyed.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Last panel seems to continually crack me up whenever I read it, Lucy is so very rude! You don’t have to be a magical being to be positive, Lucy!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #24936

Stupid friggin’ pixies and their dust

this guy May 20, 2010, 11:17 PM EDT.

Comment ID #38256

Lucy just loves pulling Mike’s tail, doesn’t she. Not that I blame her. He is kinda cute ;P

Rock Kenaro June 6, 2010, 1:58 PM EDT.

Comment ID #75282

No seriously, don’t eat rulers.

Unless they have butter. Then it’s totally fine

Luke August 14, 2010, 9:40 PM EDT.

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