*Daisy greets Mike with cheer.*
Daisy: Mikie! You’re back! What was Lucy mad about this time?
*Mike looks confused.*
Mike: Guh?
*Paulo stands alone, no longer wearing his doctored Santa hat.*
*Paulo looks down, crestfallen.*
Paulo (thinking): Man, this plan was a real flop. I didn’t bag a single girl!
*He blows into his palm.*
Paulo: Does my breath stink or somethin’?
*Paulo looks sullen.*
Paulo (thinking): And of course.. The only girl who I KNOW has a thing for me I can’t go anywhere NEAR ’cuz of Tess!
*Paulo slouches sadly.*
Paulo: (sigh)
*Tess walks over to him.*
*She pokes Paulo on the nose.*
Tess: Aww, perk up, cutie.
*Tess leans in to Paulo, holding him by the shoulder.*
Tess: I promised you a reward, didn’t I?
*Paulo looks nervous and confused.*
Paulo: Huh?
*Tess goes for a kiss.*
Tess: Shhh~
*Sue, Mike, Daisy, and Amaya watch in shock. Tess and Paulo kiss, and Paulo wraps his arms around her.*
*Paulo is blushing, eyes closed.*
Paulo: …
*Paulo’s eyes dart open. He starts to look out of breath.*
*Tess continues to kiss Paulo. Paulo’s cheeks puff up as he struggles for air.*
Paulo: mmph
*Tess releases Paulo from the kiss. She rubs her chin, satisfied.*
Tess: Whew!
*Paulo collapses.*
Paulo: Erk!!
*He lies on the ground, panting for air.*
*Paulo’s tail wiggles in the air, surrounded by hearts.*
Paulo: I think I’m in love..
*Tess holds a finger to her lips and giggles.*
Tess: Oh, Paulo! ♥
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Reader comments
Comment ID #127788
Paulo the Playa. Dude needs some deep breathing exercises if that’s gonna keep up.
SushiJaguar November 17, 2010, 10:28 AM EST.
Comment ID #134119
Either Tess did it all wrong, or Paulo forgot to breath through his nose.
Chris November 26, 2010, 5:58 AM EST.
Comment ID #173015
It is medically impossible to kiss more than 8 panels
Doctor July 17, 2011, 7:22 AM EDT.