28. Feline Festivities, original chapter posted 12/29/06

Page 11 of 16

Feline Festivities — Page 11



*Mike looks confused.*
Mike: Huh..?

*He starts to look annoyed.*
Mike: What’s Yashy got to do with anything?
*Chirpy continues crying.*
Chirpy: No..

*Chirpy turns around, looking pitiful.*
Chirpy: My mommy.. She never came back..

*Mike takes a step back, looking horrified.*

Mike: Oh god.. I’m.. I’m..
*Chirpy, still crying, looks angry.*

*Chirpy flies away, upset. Mike looks worried.*
Mike: CHIRPY!!

*He rushes after Chirpy.*
Mike: I’M SORRY!!

*Mike looks guilty. He continues chasing Chirpy.*
Mike: I shouldn’t have yelled at you!!

*Mike reaches out, concerned.*
Mike: Someone stop her!

Mike: I’m serious! There’s too many people here! Slow down!!

*Chirpy closes her eyes and flies ahead, still crying.*

*Chirpy smacks into the back of Lucy’s head. Lucy looks startled.*

*Lucy turns around as Chirpy falls to the floor.*
Lucy: Who the hell is tha-- ?!

*Chirpy lies still on the ground.*
Lucy: CHIRPY!!

*Lucy, distressed, picks her up.*
Lucy: I think she’s hurt!
*Mike rushes over.*

*Lucy cradles Chirpy.*
Lucy: Do you know what happened?!

*Mike looks shaken up.*
Lucy: Mike..?

*Mike reaches a hand out, ashamed.*
Mike: I.. I’m sorry..
*Lucy holds Chirpy, looking worried.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Good thing Lucy didn’t turn around to immediately punch the assailant because Chirpy woulda been in a REAL world of hurt then! Instead she just took a peaceful tumble to the ground :'(

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Reader comments

Comment ID #63717

Oh boy, I’m sensing trouble ahead.

Skykitsune July 24, 2010, 8:45 PM EDT.

Comment ID #150482

Reminds me of Lucy saying “you will just hurt me like the rest”. It seems symbolic that the way Mike reacts to Sandy somehow hurts the people around him that he tries to care for.

I feel bad for Chippy and Lucy ._.

blackmage March 6, 2011, 10:24 AM EST.

Comment ID #157432

This makes me cry every time :(

Cholleca April 19, 2011, 3:03 AM EDT.

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