28. Feline Festivities, original chapter posted 12/29/06

Page 9 of 16

Feline Festivities — Page 9



*Lucy braces herself in surprise.*
Lucy: A fifty dollar tip! Just for that?!
*Tess smiles.*
Tess: Hey, it’s Christmas!

*Lucy looks impressed.*
Lucy: That’s really amazing!
*Tess cheerily smiles.*
Tess: I get a bonus in my allowance every December. Might as well put it to use!

*Tess crosses her arms, looking cheeky.*
Tess: So, it’s about time, Lucy! Let’s do a duet!
*Lucy frowns.*
Lucy: When will you take “no” for an answer!

*Tess gives her an encouraging smile.*
Tess: C’mon~! Loosen up! It’ll be fun!
*Lucy turns away.*
Lucy: It WON’T.

*David shows up, smiling innocently.*
David: Lucy! Truth or dare!
*Lucy glares.*
Lucy: I’m not falling for that again, David. Dare.

*David grins and gives a finger gun.*
David: Dare you to sing with Tess!
*Lucy’s face goes red in shock.*
*Tess looks pleased.*
Tess: Oh, David!!

*Lucy stands over David with her fist up in anger.*
Lucy: Erghh..
*David rolls around laughing.*
David: Haha haha..
Tess: No excuses left, Lucy~ ♥

*Lucy points.*
Lucy: So where’s the nearest exit?
*Tess pleadingly shouts at Lucy.*
Tess: OH, C’MON!!

*Tess grabs Lucy’s wrist.*
Tess: You’ll enjoy it, I promise you!
Lucy: Tess!!

*Tess marches forward, dragging Lucy along.*
Tess: Just the once, okay?! I can’t let you leave without singing.
*Lucy is flabbergasted.*

*Daisy stops Tess, looking concerned.*
Daisy: You sure that’s a good idea?
*Tess smiles.*
Tess: You kiddin’? Karaoke’s a great idea!
Daisy: No, I mean--

*Lucy karate chops Tess in the head. Tess falls down and Daisy winces.*

*Daisy looks down and chuckles.*
Daisy: I meant you grabbing her like that..

*Chirpy sits by herself looking lonely.*
Tess: I thought all she needed was a little push..
Daisy: Aww, Tessie..

*Chirpy notices something.*
Daisy: Let me help. I know just the trick after suffering one of Lucy’s karate chops..

*Mike stands alone outside, leaning against the balcony.*
Daisy: Happens to Paulo all the time, heh..
*Partygoers continue to chat inside the house, and Abbey notices Tess has been hurt.*

Abbey: Tessa! Are you alright?
Tess: Well, my face is still intact, hahah..

*Chirpy looks concerned for Mike.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Tess isn’t free from getting hit, contrary to popular belief! Get into Lucy’s bubble like Paulo, get hit like Paulo I suppose.

Birds of a feather~!

I kind of liked how the end of this page panned out.. you saw the ordeal with Tess getting hit and Abbey running to her rescue.. but it was in the perspective of Chirpy, who was interested in something else, not them. A good flow, if you ask me!

David is so rude, using truth or dare as a way to force Lucy to do things because she’s competitive.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #15518

For someoen who’s stupid in subjects like english David sure has a way of tricking people. If it was me I would go with Tess any time. If only if there was a real Tess out there I would so ask her out.

Alkaizer87 May 5, 2010, 12:52 AM EDT.

Comment ID #61571

From physical wounds to physichological wounds

Hm July 19, 2010, 11:31 PM EDT.

Comment ID #63714

Nyahaha! David, how can you keep getting her so easily?! One would think she’d learn what he’s up to!

Skykitsune July 24, 2010, 8:40 PM EDT.

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