*Lucy braces herself in surprise.*
Lucy: A fifty dollar tip! Just for that?!
*Tess smiles.*
Tess: Hey, it’s Christmas!
*Lucy looks impressed.*
Lucy: That’s really amazing!
*Tess cheerily smiles.*
Tess: I get a bonus in my allowance every December. Might as well put it to use!
*Tess crosses her arms, looking cheeky.*
Tess: So, it’s about time, Lucy! Let’s do a duet!
*Lucy frowns.*
Lucy: When will you take “no” for an answer!
*Tess gives her an encouraging smile.*
Tess: C’mon~! Loosen up! It’ll be fun!
*Lucy turns away.*
Lucy: It WON’T.
*David shows up, smiling innocently.*
David: Lucy! Truth or dare!
*Lucy glares.*
Lucy: I’m not falling for that again, David. Dare.
*David grins and gives a finger gun.*
David: Dare you to sing with Tess!
*Lucy’s face goes red in shock.*
*Tess looks pleased.*
Tess: Oh, David!!
*Lucy stands over David with her fist up in anger.*
Lucy: Erghh..
*David rolls around laughing.*
David: Haha haha..
Tess: No excuses left, Lucy~ ♥
*Lucy points.*
Lucy: So where’s the nearest exit?
*Tess pleadingly shouts at Lucy.*
Tess: OH, C’MON!!
*Tess grabs Lucy’s wrist.*
Tess: You’ll enjoy it, I promise you!
Lucy: Tess!!
*Tess marches forward, dragging Lucy along.*
Tess: Just the once, okay?! I can’t let you leave without singing.
*Lucy is flabbergasted.*
Lucy: …
*Daisy stops Tess, looking concerned.*
Daisy: You sure that’s a good idea?
*Tess smiles.*
Tess: You kiddin’? Karaoke’s a great idea!
Daisy: No, I mean--
*Lucy karate chops Tess in the head. Tess falls down and Daisy winces.*
*Daisy looks down and chuckles.*
Daisy: I meant you grabbing her like that..
*Chirpy sits by herself looking lonely.*
Tess: I thought all she needed was a little push..
Daisy: Aww, Tessie..
*Chirpy notices something.*
Daisy: Let me help. I know just the trick after suffering one of Lucy’s karate chops..
*Mike stands alone outside, leaning against the balcony.*
Daisy: Happens to Paulo all the time, heh..
*Partygoers continue to chat inside the house, and Abbey notices Tess has been hurt.*
Abbey: Tessa! Are you alright?
Tess: Well, my face is still intact, hahah..
*Chirpy looks concerned for Mike.*
Chirpy: …

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Reader comments
Comment ID #15518
For someoen who’s stupid in subjects like english David sure has a way of tricking people. If it was me I would go with Tess any time. If only if there was a real Tess out there I would so ask her out.
Alkaizer87 May 5, 2010, 12:52 AM EDT.
Comment ID #61571
From physical wounds to physichological wounds
Hm July 19, 2010, 11:31 PM EDT.
Comment ID #63714
Nyahaha! David, how can you keep getting her so easily?! One would think she’d learn what he’s up to!
Skykitsune July 24, 2010, 8:40 PM EDT.