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Comments from around the web
I can live with this. Less arguing, though that probably has to do with the level of respect these two have for each other.
Facebook: Judgey Johannes July 10, 2017
That face in the last panel: "If you hate Daisy because you sulking at me you're going to get such a kicking!"
Twitter: Rateus_Johanson July 10, 2017
Twitter: PickYerPoison July 10, 2017
Although unintentional Lucy has been absolutely cruel to Paulo. First, she accepts his request for a date (w obvious romantic intentions, guys don’t get down on one knee to ask what time it is). But, never tells him she not looking to be with anyone when she had plenty of opportunity to do so. Enjoys the entire time with him until they get close and then only then her guilt/low self-esteem kicks in. Pushing him away and rejecting him at the worst possible time. […]
Facebook: George Greene July 11, 2017
Bruh ya’ll both childish
Tumblr: touchfeeltastelove July 11, 2017