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Comments from around the web
oh hell yeah, pure fluff
Facebook: Sprin Kah May 26, 2017
So they’re all fully aware of what Mike did to her and yet they still talk to him like nothing happened? They don’t even give Lucy a, “He was super shitty for what he did to you. That was so wrong. I’m so sorry, but we all love you and would never leave.” or something?
Sure maybe they’re avoiding the subject with her in order to not make her relive it, but not a WORD to Mike for his actions?
Starting to think Lucy is right actions but them not truly being her friends.
Facebook: Sienna Hickox May 26, 2017
Well atleast Lucy atleast heard from another source Mike was legitimately upset over what he said. Not gonna change much though gonna take more than someone else letting her know Mike felt like shit to make them even stay near eachother.
It’s also good that Lucy heard people did actually miss her and basically made a party into a sob fest over it. It may reassure her that what Mike in his rant was untrue.
As for Paulo, please don’t talk about your sort of ex
Facebook: Kirk Findlay May 26, 2017
It’s likely that Lucy’s just not eager to think OR talk about Mike right now. Some of my friends have “shut down” like that if certain topics or people get brought up - a disconnect to stop encouraging further discussion of said topic.
That being said, it’s good to see Lucy hearing about the others from someone other than Mike, AND from someone who at least kinda knows how far he went. I hope the rest of their date goes well!
Facebook: Andrea Daniels May 26, 2017
I recommend! I truly do! it’s kept me through mondays for a damn long time.
I’m thinking of making separate blogs, one for my personal art and one for…other fandoms, such as…well…zootopia!
I um…don’t know where to start and to be honest…I’m pretty damn scared of doing so….I’ll give it a shot….sometimes
Tumblr: sprinkah May 26, 2017
I love how Paulo went from playboy doofus to playboy bishonen
Facebook: Jerome Fuller III May 26, 2017