69. At Loose Ends, page posted 4/13/12

Page 45 of 48

At Loose Ends — Page 45
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Reader comments

Comment ID #214400

I love the range of emotion expressed here, janet’s empathy for abbey, abbey’s obvious grief and daisy’s support. I really get the feeling there’s a reason things never worked out with mike for daisy. She was meant to be with abbey and be his support, i can’t really imagine anyone else knowing what to do in this situation but daisy.

Moozers April 14, 2012, 1:03 PM EDT.

Comment ID #214415

I’m really feeling this helpless bit. I’ve always felt a relation with Abbey in this chapter because he’s struggling to reconcile with himself, change the past, or even just making it seem better. But it kinda fails and that kinda sucks. That glass ceiling effect is like hell and I truly feel for Abbey. Has he really done all that he can?

Famine Fox April 14, 2012, 9:39 PM EDT.

Comment ID #214437

Abbey. T.T
When you feel at your lowest, it’s amazing how much a hug can help, coming from someone you care about, and knowing that they truly care about you as well. I’m glad Abbey has Daisy there with him.

Ryn April 15, 2012, 4:48 PM EDT.

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