69. At Loose Ends, page posted 4/16/12

Page 46 of 48

At Loose Ends — Page 46

Author commentary

Veronica: Maybe you don’t need to do all this alone, Abbey! Looks like someone understands and is there for you. Maybe you don’t need to feel like you have to be the hero.

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Comment ID #214476

You know…I don’t think Molly knows…I mean, really, think about this. What child is that happy about their brother finding out their mother is dead? I think that all that’s going through Molly’s brain is ‘Yay Mommy I hope she’s coming in next I miss her Mommy where’s Mommy…’
I’d hate to be in Abbey’s shoes right now. Having to tell her…that isn’t going to be fun.
On a brighter note, bright colors do draw people’s attention back to the presentations.

SafelyHidden April 16, 2012, 12:33 AM EDT.

Comment ID #214486

I just love Molly all the more for this. She’s so calm about it and she seems to understand. Abbey really needed that, and I think Molly did too. The quiver of her brows says it all.
I just love the expressions on this page.

Dino April 16, 2012, 1:01 AM EDT.

Comment ID #214505

His little sister is such a darling child, just makes me smile seeing her interact with others. But such a sad story line none the less and yet I am glad that Abby might of gotten a little closure with this. Maybe now he can get to being a bit happier in life and enjoy the gifts he has been given.

Juria April 16, 2012, 3:54 AM EDT.

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