117. Good Enough, page posted 1/20/23

Page 15 of 16

Good Enough — Page 15

Author commentary

Veronica: the true scary movie is daisy’s pining

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #23017

Sooooo is Daisy oblivious of HER feelings AND Paulos? Or is she compartmentalizing


Comment ID #23018

Daisy thought it was a date when she agreed to the last movie! She must have realized her feelings then, surely?


Comment ID #23019

But was she just happy because a cute boy asked her on a date, or does she actually like Paulo like that?


Comment ID #23020

God i really hope they get together- this has been my favorite personal ship since i started reading back in 2012-2013💛 they are my favorite characters 🥺

Sky TheTiny'mhytee  

Comment ID #23021

Poor Daisy.


Comment ID #23022

Jeeze, hard to believe there is there only one more page in this chapter. Really hope next chapter focuses on the whole mess of a "double date" this is likely to become. :P


Comment ID #23023

Does Daisy think that Abbey was out of her league? Yikes. He is smart and cool, and tragic and likeable in a vacuum. But out of her league, was that not a platitude for Paulo?

Love this ship, they need to maybe see if there's something there... both thinking they don't deserve the other is getting a bit ridiculous.


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