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Comment ID #22838
Don’t feel bad, Paulo. Pretty sure James’ crushing
Comment ID #22839
paulo :(((
Comment ID #22840
ohhh i already know this chapter is going to be a favorite of mine
Comment ID #22841
Paulo has a face like he’s going to murder James or Mike
Comment ID #22842
Probably both.
Comment ID #22843
He feels so left out and unwanted
Haruhi Hatake
Comment ID #22844
Dude, communication.
Samuel C Cooke
Comment ID #22845
Dude Mike’s not worth it. Daisy + Paolo 4ever
The Orangewalled
Comment ID #22846
Looks like James is going to be blasting off again, after Paulo uppercuts him.
Comment ID #22847
poor paulo, when your crush doesn’t like you back and instead clings to the guy you’ve always felt second to.
Comment ID #22848
I feel it in this chapter, Paulo is consumed by the feel of unwanted even though he has David and Daisy. Their group use to be so big and he felt good at work being all responsible and looked up to but negative emotions can really hit you hard and wonder if you’re ever thought about or needed. I can’t wait to see more of this chapter
Andrea Abrego
Comment ID #22849
Once again the person Paulo likes likes Mike more than him
Comment ID #22850
God, the dramatic irony of Daisy JUST finally getting what she thought she always wanted—a kiss from mike—and realizing it wasn’t really all that and she was actually way more interested in Paulo!! Meanwhile Paulo still assumes everyone will always love mike more than him. :(
Michelle M.
Comment ID #22851
Daisy did tell Paulo about that development, at least! She just didn’t communicate the rest of it ;_;
Comment ID #22852
James is cute and all but I feel so bad for Paulo that he’s being so oblivious :c and I don’t mean in the romantic way necessarily, it’s pretty obvious Paulo simply would’ve enjoyed a closer friendship / being considered more as a friend by him. The crush-thing doesn’t help Paulo’s feelings here at all of course. And yet James isn’t doing something bad here, he’s just… well… being oblivious! I think I’ve been both in Paulo’s and James’ shoes, and it sucks on both ends. James seems really sweet and I think he would feel pretty bad if he knew how much this was on Paulo’s mind. Communication really is key here, but it’s also very awkward considering they are … not yet that close over their status of being really good buddies at work. OH MAN.
Comment ID #22853
Well, it doesn’t help that this whole last year Mike has been rather distant and only called on Paulo when he had an issue with Sandy (which he would then later yell at Paulo for “not understanding”) then this James kid comes out of nowhere and all of a sudden they’re going to the movies etc. Seeing yourself being left behind in real-time stings.
Comment ID #22854
Yes, this as well! And Paulo has been trying really hard lately to, just be a better version of himself to his best abilities, and yet … man, that poor guy lol. I do feel for him, I hope something nice happens for him soon again.
Comment ID #22855
The chapter title is making me think this may veer into a DaisyxPaulo angle?? Because I think I remember that Paulo has expressed not being “good enough” for Daisy in the past, and clearly James’s crush on Mike is exasperating that overall insecurity. But maybe this will be the chapter where Daisy expresses that Paulo IS good enough for her. Fingers crossed anyway, because I’m a filthy shipper
Aussie Armstrong
Comment ID #22856
the older paulo gets the more i go from disliking him to relating to him
Comment ID #22857
Noticing the parallel to how Paulo was with Rachel.. here, James is the one not picking up cues. He doesn’t HAVE to, but I do find it sad.