117. Good Enough, page posted 12/30/22

Page 6 of 16

Good Enough — Page 6

Author commentary

Veronica: It’s okay, Paulo, it’s definitely embarrassing to still be pining for a loser like Mike

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #22872

Awww paulo ?

Brittany ann  

Comment ID #22873

If this is to do with Mike, you’re talking to the right person, Paulo. Let it all out~


Comment ID #22874

Confide in Daisy! Spill your guts Paulo

Haruhi Hatake  

Comment ID #22875

the way hes looking at her. paulo x daisy truthers rise


Comment ID #22876

Paulo x Daisy is cute but like, I love their friendship so much?


Comment ID #22877

I hope they get together, but I also hope that if they do get together it doesn’t change their dynamic too much.

Russell Nils Lawrick  

Comment ID #22878

He doesn’t want to tell her that the ice cream machine is broken, and he got the milkshake from Dairy Queen.


Comment ID #22879

The more I see pages like this the more I really, really prefer their dynamic as close friends. Also, Paulo opening up shortly after denying it is really nice. It helps that Daisy knows he’s been thinking about … well guys but also James, and has a nonjudgmental ear to listen.


Comment ID #22880

Paulo I love you but I’m always doing advanced math trying to figure out who you’re hung up on at any given time and I’m starting to think it’s got a lot to do with with whoever you feel rejected by most and I’m concerned.


Comment ID #22881

That honestly probably has a lot to do with his mom rejecting him. We tend to play out our relationship with our parents with partners, especially if there’s unresolved issues.


Comment ID #22882

Yeah I tend to agree with that read. He sees someone walking away from him and it dredges up all those feelings of loss and inadequacy and wanting things to go differently this time. Poor kid.


Comment ID #22884

Reading the chapter title good enough made me think about the chatacters as a whole. How far they’ve come, how much they need to grow, an I couldn’t help but think about their future careers in my head cannon. For Paulo I see him working alongside his dad in construction, lot of hands on training and in time he buys property an fixes them up himself an rents it out to people. Over time he establishes himself as a hard worker, trustworthy, an branches out to build buildings an getting good contracts before going to night school to become those folks that designs buildings. He’ll make a real good living that way owning his own construction company too. For Daisy, I can see her being some kind of Psychiatrist or therapists given her good nature and life experience. Amaya would be a popular screenplay writer since I assume she likes cinema a lot it it would be funny since shes quiet but her writing speaks loudly. Sue, videogame designer. She’ll make the next big game on par with world of warcraft an rewrites MMOs. Abby would put together an be a spokesperson for programs who help orphan kids who were abused an help them find their way into good homes an helps clean up the child service system. Mike, honestly im not sure about mike maybe he would work for a hedge fund firm or something to do with stocks or law in New York. Maybe a publicist for models (lol). Augustus aka Final Fantasy Cat I can see in a few things, he could be a software engineer for a software company or a first responder (either a police officer or paramedic). An David, Neurosurgeon. These are just my thoughts for my little cannon in my head xD it would be a cool conversation though, what are your thoughts an ideas? :3


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