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Comments from Patreon
Comment ID #23226
i need more mike x james content
Comment ID #23227
You James you sweet loveable pudding
Comment ID #23228
Alright already, James, enough with the compliment bombing!
Dave Ostroske
Comment ID #23229
Im so glad they are going to stay friends! Im not sure how mike really feels, but if sandy was ever out of this picture I could see this working for him.
Brittany ann
Comment ID #23230
I kind of love how supportive and honestly receptive-to-the-idea-if-circumstances-were-different Mike seems right now. This is a side of him I hadn’t really seen and it warms my heart.
Comment ID #23231
That thumbnail is teasing genius.
Ashura Atsu
Comment ID #23232
Yes, sorry about that, daylight savings struck us bad this year as we were travelling when all these posts had to be scheduled! So when EST changed, our local timezones didn’t and… I’ll make sure to update it for the next post.
Veronica and Oliver
Comment ID #23233
Other than not dumping Sandy, I’m very proud of these two for turning the conversation this way.
Pit Pat
Comment ID #23234
Uh-oh, looks like James is about to face the wrath of Super Mike.
Comment ID #23235
Relieved that things turned out this way. I want to say it’s the healthiest resolution to unrequited feelings we’ve had so far, but it IS also only the tenth page…
Comment ID #23236
I get the feeling it’s only the tenth page because we have ANOTHER Date happening tonight to check in on… ;)
Comment ID #23237
Soooooo is Mike learning the very important thing that you can still just be friends with people even if there are feelings involved? Cus he’s seen it before but I think right now he really needed it punched into his face.
Comment ID #23238
Seen it? Between who?
Pit Pat
Comment ID #23239
Him and Daisy, Paulo and Tess, kinda Paulo and Lucy. There’s even examples that he doesn’t know are happening like Paulo and Rachel or Matt and Jordan. I also think Daisy is trying to be friends with Abbey so that’s another example.
Comment ID #23240
Can people be friends with feelings like that involved? I can see is Mike getting feelings for James after all they’ll be bonding through track, and what happened with Daisy after it all came out. The Perfect Sandy illusion is broken. Lucy might not ever consider Mike a friend again, depending. He has a lot going on with him, I’m really excited for Mike tbh.
Haruhi Hatake
Comment ID #23241
Wholesome communication