Date Night — Page 7

Author commentary

Veronica: Mike COULD have been a killer… in the eyes of many…

perhaps he can be tried as an attempted murderer.. of the mind.

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #23142

After what Mike did to Lucy, you should be very careful James.


Comment ID #23143

It's nice someone is seeing the good in him again.

Haruhi Hatake  

Comment ID #23144

Well, Daisy still does and so does Paulo. Even Lucy did literally right up until he went straight back to messaging Sandy.


Comment ID #23145


It's good that James is laying some boundaries this early. Killing people is very rude, and most people frown upon it

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Comment ID #23146

Mike needs to dump sandy. He needs a stable relationship. He can't have that with Sandy or Lucy. I ship these two.

Kaleigh Hohenthaner  

Comment ID #23147

Mike is so dramatic, I don’t know how people like Daisy make fun of Lucy being dramatic when Mike also acts like a diva. Idk why but he’s still so unlikable 😂 James, go be with Paulo!

Gabrielle R  

Comment ID #23148

To be fair, look at the people who he hung out with most of the time; none of them were exactly role models growing up. Mike has just been the slowest to mature out of those unhealthy habits he picked up throughout his childhood. (which, ironically, was partially due to him TRYING to act mature for Sandy)


Comment ID #23149

Imagine if James ends up being the key to Mike's redemption arc


Comment ID #23150

I hope James stays with Mike. Y'know, as long as Mike doesn't mistreat him (which he has NOT so far). Maybe if Mike has a good friend, he can learn to cut off the people who have been making him feel trapped, and grow as a person.

Pit Pat  

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