118. Date Night, page posted 5/15/23

Page 17 of 24

Date Night — Page 17

Author commentary

Veronica: You thought Paulo could ACTUALLY beat Mike? Dream on! Hopefully Mike trips on a damn turtle or something!

Honestly, Mike coulda done that.. (perhaps that would be a very interesting BCI..) but David just had to be Too Rude ™

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #23321



Comment ID #23322

He's surprised at Mike being dense? You'd think he would know better lol.


Comment ID #23323

I think he's surprised at how fast David is


Comment ID #23324

Oh, yeah Mike is absolutely surprised by David. I meant that David shouldn't be surprised at how dense Mike is in regards to the situation.


Comment ID #23325

Poor Daisy... And David. Lay off. I'm sure James would take Paulo anyway.

Pit Pat  

Comment ID #23326

Get his ass David! Also, I bet James is going to now want to recruit David to the track team and have a new hero

Gabrielle R  

Comment ID #23327

Oh my god that would be hilarious!Paulo would be so uncomfortable being around all the attractive, athletic guys all the time. Now I desperately hope this winds up being the case! Plus, while Mike's definitely got Paulo in a dash, I could see Paulo being really good with hurdles, relay, or jumping events~


Comment ID #23328

daisy :(


Comment ID #23329

Well there goes Paolo x Daisy


Comment ID #23330

Paulo x Daisy would be super cute, and it's still a viable end-game. But yeah, it's always had roadblock after roadblock, so we'll just have to see. Worst case scenario, they remain best friends. Because I really don't see a situation where they stop hanging out for any reason.


Comment ID #23331

I don't the ship is dead, yet. Paulo is just acting in the moment with hormones telling him to do this. He's not thinking about Daisy because remember he's programmed himself not to. Plus this moment might make him give up anything with James or Mike and set him on a path to realize Daisy is the one he truly cares about.

A ship isn't sunk until they actually ask each other out and get turned down.

Ashura Atsu  

Comment ID #23332

I knew Mike would do this and I'm still disappointed in him LOL


Comment ID #23333

To be fair, if James' date proposal really hinged on Paulo beating Mike, the person he actively scouted onto the team due to his speed, the date was never really on the table in James' mind. (ie. "The Race Between the Crane and the Hummingbird") But honestly? I don't find James to be that underhanded, so if anything he'll probably wind up giving Paulo a chance regardless.

(also, Mike's on the track team with James now, James would probably be able to tell if Mike threw the race)

Not that Mike was likely considering any of this, mind. He probably just heard David and Paulo talking smack about his speed, among other things, and internalized that as the one thing he could explicitly prove them wrong about himself. David didn't exactly start on the best foot to get Mike to play along as a wingman for Paulo, and Paulo kinda doubled down after David's smear campaign, so I kinda don't blame him on this one.


Comment ID #23334

"Character." I love how David lives like he's perpetually aware of the fourth wall and that it's not because he knows anything, but because he's such a huge media nerd.


Comment ID #23335

Jaulo is dead. Long live Dames


Comment ID #23336

WAIT A MINUTE i was wondering what jamesreaction was about and youe right he going after DAVID NOW


Comment ID #23337



Comment ID #23338

Love you, David. Everyone needs a friend a little removed from all the drama to tell it like it is.

Jon Miller  

Comment ID #23339

I hope David wins the race and gives the James Bowl to Paulo lol


Comment ID #23340

All these boys are gonna be sprinting and Daisy is gonna be left at the starting line squinting in confusion


Comment ID #23341

James is just in awe that David can run faster than Mike


Comment ID #23342

"Wait...what if David wins?"

I'm now contemplating what James x David would look like and it *scares* me. Not in a disgusted sense, more like the world is doomed by their pure energetic chaos if it happens.

Ashura Atsu  

Comment ID #23343

Need me a road dog like David


Comment ID #23344



Comment ID #23345

There's no need for a race, Mike is already the worst character on Earth.


Comment ID #23346

Oh no James is gonna develop a new crush

Buff Duck Artz  

Comment ID #23347

I hope somehow Mike gets together with James, they make for such great pairing.


Comment ID #23348

Let him win in a race forced on him? self respect is important


Comment ID #23349

Part of me knows that Daisy really needs to assert herself more and find a little bit more confidence to be direct...but also seeing her so sad, it makes it a little hard not to be frustrated at Paulo's fraught romantic attention span rearing its head again. You were JUST getting somewhere with her dude!


Comment ID #23350

Story-wise, it would make sense for James to turn to Daisy and say "I'm sorry. I thought you two were an item." And then the story proceed from there, BUT... James needs to see David has great taste in movies, endless stamina for sports, a constantly upbeat demeanor, and fast feet. David/James ftw


Comment ID #23351

You've opened my mind to another ship


Comment ID #23352

Even if Mike wins the race, I doubt he'd have any issue with Paulo and James going on a date (he already learned from being jealous of Lucy and Augustus, plus Sandy cheating on him). To him I think this is more about showcasing his speed more than anything else (he's a star athlete after all). Despite his past actions, I'm still rooting for Mike to heal. And poor Daisy too, left to eat their dust.


Comment ID #23353

WAIT A MINUTE i was wondering what james’ reaction was about and you’re right he’s going after DAVID NOW


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