118. Date Night, page posted 2/27/23

Page 6 of 24

Date Night — Page 6

Author commentary

Veronica: I know a lot of people are resistant to going to the movies alone, but I think about that sometimes and wonder.. why? It’s not like you sit and talk to the person next to you while the movie is playing anyway! Unless you’re an asshole of course LMAO

I guess it’s good because once the movie ends THEN you can talk about it with whoever you went with, just like they’re doing now!

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #23131

I would die for James

Sircreepalot 2  

Comment ID #23132

I'm kinda hoping mike and james end up becoming a thing now, lol


Comment ID #23133

Honestly though? Mike seems like the kind of guy that WOULD go see a movie alone. Which is NOT an insult, I've done it a few times as well! Obviously the ideal is to share the experience with people you care about, but sometimes coordinating the time to do that can be hard and the movie isn't something you really want to wait on until everyone's able to find the free time to go. (plus, if it's good enough, you won't mind sitting through it a second time with your friends/family)


Comment ID #23134

Soooo are we gunna see the trio in the background hopping from bush to bush or Paulo slowly driving his car behind them?


Comment ID #23135

They are getting along so well.. comforting pages for uncomfortable times tbh. Thank you


Comment ID #23136

For real though, don't let being alone stop you from going to a movie you'd like to see. I'm lucky enough to live near a theater that has all kinds of special screenings besides new releases so my husband and I are at the movies *a lot*. Some we go to together, others we go to solo when there's something one of us wants to see that the other isn't into. It's super common to see people by themselves at theaters and nothing to feel self-conscious about. /end soap box


Comment ID #23137

and to answer James' question, it was a screening of The Last Unicorn and it was fucking great


Comment ID #23138

I like how they vibe together. James really does bring out the best in Mike and I hope it continues.

Haruhi Hatake  

Comment ID #23139

The last movie Mike saw was Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, his favorite scene was the one where Shia LaBeouf was swinging through the trees with the monkeys.


Comment ID #23140

I really like their vibe together. James seems to have at least gotten over the nervousness he had earlier and was able to enjoy the movie with Mike. I COULD say this is starting to make me warm to James/Mike (I'm a Jamaulo truther) but this is still kind of the start of the chapter, so I don't want to get too comfortable...


Comment ID #23141

Sandy about to interrupt James' fantasy


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