39. Love My Way, original chapter posted 6/27/07

Page 20 of 22

Love My Way — Page 20



*Abbey collapses, covering his face with his hands and sobbing. Augustus cackles.*
Augustus: Hahahah!

*Augustus grins and laughs uproariously.*
Augustus: I can’t believe how EASY that was!

*Augustus looks over at Daisy, a cool smile on his face. He gestures to his head.*
Augustus: Seriously, I thought I’d take a few more hits before I’d ever get him to break down like that. What a relief.

*Daisy turns red with anger. She scowls.*
Augustus: Hahaha

*Daisy snarls at Augustus.*
Daisy: YOU JERK!!
*Daisy slaps Augustus hard, knocking him back with a dazed expression.*

*Daisy stares at Augustus, noticing something beneath his hair.*

*Augustus falls to the ground, wincing in pain. The side of his face is scuffed and swollen. A scar under his hair is briefly visible.*

*Daisy’s expression goes vacant as she thinks back to her past interactions with Augustus. She hears fragments of his voice: “School’s basically the only place I feel safe anymore…” “Oh, my brother’s sick again…” “Just got in a fight years ago…”.*

*Augustus sits up, wincing in pain and holding the side of his face.*
Augustus: Oww.. had to get the same side, huh..

*Augustus opens one eye and looks up warily. He continues holding his reddened cheek.*
Augustus: ..?

*Daisy stares icily at Augustus.*
Daisy: “Green eyes”.. I think I see now.

*Augustus’ eyes go wide in panic. He stares at Daisy fearfully.*
Augustus: !

*Augustus nervously smiles and begins to sweat.*
Augustus: Daisy, you might be jumping to conclusions about th--
*He reaches for Daisy, who frowns and refuses to look at him.*
Daisy: Just go.

*Augustus stares at Daisy in disbelief.*
Augustus: .. What?
Daisy: You heard me.

*Daisy glares angrily at Augustus. She cradles her bear.*
Daisy: The look on your face told me everything. Just leave.

*Augustus looks down, sadly.*

*Augustus and Daisy’s figures are dark silhouettes against the trees. Augustus reaches out tentatively to Daisy, who stands rigidly, her bear in her arms.*

*Daisy turns her head away. Augustus’ hand drops to his side.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Speaking of predictable trademarks! Yes, that’s a scar.

And no, it didn’t just pop up out of nowhere.. the really funny thing is that his scar has always been there.. even when Final Fantasy Cat was a side character hitting on Daisy. Everything ended up clicking together as I started really properly planning the comic out.

Anyway.. huh, scars. Remind of you someone?

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #10488

Damnit! I wanted to see Abbey kick his ass Mortal Kombat style! >=(

UNIT2960 April 29, 2010, 5:34 PM EDT.

Comment ID #66316

Hehe, scratch his eyes out Daisy! Bwahaha!

Skykitsune July 28, 2010, 8:05 PM EDT.

Comment ID #140381


READMEEE January 4, 2011, 8:18 PM EST.

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