71. Just Beautiful, page posted 7/20/12

Page 22 of 33

Just Beautiful — Page 22

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Veronica: Isn’t this nostalgic!

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Comment ID #223168

At least she made it a way to match it up back to her, rather than him going on a rant about Lucy again. Adorable, though I preferred her hair down in this chapter.

Termania July 20, 2012, 12:02 AM EDT.

Comment ID #223174

Maybe soon we will see whether Mike had originally gotten a blue scarf because of Lucy or Sandy. I think the reasoning goes much deeper than the fact that he matches Sandy. Time will tell. Cute page.

Purin July 20, 2012, 12:06 AM EDT.

Comment ID #223190

Awwwww Sandy’s so sweet~

Welp, guys, looks like the blue scarf has risen from the ashes and been given new meaning. No more Lucy-scarf. xD

Which I really think is for the best. I missed the blue scarf, but I certainly do not think that Lucy and Mike should be friends anymore. Lucy would be too dependent. Mike would be an arsehole. It’s just… better this way.

Skygaze July 20, 2012, 12:14 AM EDT.

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