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Comment ID #220758
My goodness, she isn’t the demon you make her out to be you jerk! Maybe if you had been less of a jerk in the first place, this wouldn’t even be happening. Look’s like things are going downhill fast though, and it serves you right Mike. He’s probably going to destroy the relationship on his own by revealing his ass-holishness all on his own. >:)
Death'sEdge July 4, 2012, 12:00 AM EDT.
Comment ID #220766
I’m so sorry Mike, did Lucy try to do something nice for you and completely discombobulate your understanding of the universe? Are you prepared to flip out and unleash enough crap to hit the fan and cause more harm to yourself than good?
This… is this karma being a know-it-all to him..?
Please let this be a bit of an eye-opener for Sandy… and a HELLUVA eye opener for our resident jerk-face!!
Ryuko July 4, 2012, 12:03 AM EDT.
Comment ID #220772
Poor, stupid stupid Mike. Lucy, as hurt and sad as she is, wanted to help you and Sandy be happy together. She even said that she hoped you were happy with Sandy and that you needed this visit. But nooooo, you have to blow up at her and be a complete dick, then spazz out when she tries to help you get laid. Because essentially, that’s what just happened.
Frodomann1 July 4, 2012, 12:05 AM EDT.