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Comment ID #25326
she is just digging that hole deeper and deeper
Comment ID #25327
Accidentally admitting it Jess?
Comment ID #25328
Cmon Jess!!! This is embarrassing to watch
Comment ID #25329
Is it wrong to say I hope and expect her getting slapped?
Rocky Wolfknight
Comment ID #25330
well well well
Comment ID #25331
Aaaand there’s the goalpost shifting.
Comment ID #25332
Hey Jess, do you need a pickaxe for that proverbial hole that your digging. I mean you’ve already got a dwarf to your right to help ya.
Comment ID #25333
This is a really interresting storyline that’s very thought provoking. It’s my favorite thing of this comic how so many story lines are open to different perspective
I’m still on the side that Rachel and Matt aren’t really in the right of being upset at Jess.
If you see a one-dimentional character and recognise yourself in it without anyone telling you if it’s based on you then it means somewhere inside you feel that way about yourself too.
And if you don’t like those traits then those are insecurities you should work through instead of being upset when you recognise them or they are pointed out.
Kiall Vun Myeret
Comment ID #25334
There is also the fact that Rachel has litterally admitted to being a “slut”in Pillow Talk and Matt is showing his pushover mentality while complaining about it.
Instead of being upset they should use this for self growth if they really feel bad about those traits
Kiall Vun Myeret
Comment ID #25335
I feel exactly the same. If they see themselves and are upset, that’s on them not Jess, even if she did unconsciously base the characters on them.
Comment ID #25336
Sue: Did someone called me?
Jessica: I said Mary Sue, not Sue!
Sue: Oh.
Comment ID #25337
I have a feeling Rachel is gonna slap her in the next page.