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Comment ID #25290
Can’t tell if I should be happy for her or just…I don’t know really
Rocky Wolfknight
Comment ID #25291
Same Rachel same
Jessica only admits it when it puts her in a good light. Sigh.
Comment ID #25292
More cute background character!
Comment ID #25293
Comment ID #25294
So the play had the positive effect of making people realise spreading rumors is a bad thing and Jessica gets the apology she deserved and can finally have some closure on this bad part of her life and here Rachel is being upset one of the characters had a trait she has openly admitted to being in the past. Yeah sorry maybe unpopular opinion but to me Rachel really isn’t in the right here
Kiall Vun Myeret
Comment ID #25295
I feel exactly the same
Comment ID #25296
You say that like both things can’t be true. The concept behind the play isn’t the problem; Jess tapping into her past trauma regarding the rumors spread by Tess and creating a play to highlight the struggles she went through because of them in order to maybe get her peers to reflect on their treatment of her is a reasonable and valid path forward for her. However, doing so absolutely does not require her to create one-dimensional caricatures of her friends, and her apparent lack of self awareness in doing so is not really a valid excuse in regards to her friends being hurt by those depictions in her play. And she definitely isn’t in the right to dismiss her friends’ feelings on this matter, and refuse to apologize for something she did that hurt her friends, regardless of whether or not it was intentional.
Personally, I’m still glad we’re seeing the positive effects of the play, as people piling onto Jess is definitely the less interesting path to take here, and I think BCB as a whole thrives on things being complex rather than black & white. Just because Jess made a misstep here doesn’t mean the play was without merit, and by that same token, the benefits don’t outweigh the negative effects its had on her friends. It’s an interesting direction to take things, and what Jess does next now that she has this information is really going to illustrate who she is to both her friends and us, the audience.
Comment ID #25297
Except she didn’t make one-dimentional caricatures of her friends, she made a one-dimentional character loosely build on a single trait of her friends. There is a very big difference between those 2.
The character Rina was never meant to fully represent Rachel. That’s just how Rachel took it. And especially seeing how she has taken pride in the character trait she’a complaining about now. She really has nothing to be upset about
Jessica didn’t hurt Rachel. Rachel hurt herself. Jessica already explained that her character wasn’t meant to represent Rachel and that she sees Rachel as more then that. She has nothing to apologise for.
Instead of being upset what Rachel needs to do is self reflect and realise that she herself is seeing her in this one dimentional light.
Kiall Vun Myeret
Comment ID #25298
Sorry, but we as an audience know from meta knowledge that all the characters in the play *are* based on the people in Jess’ life. How intentional or subconsciously this was done by Jessica is up for debate, but the fact that these characters were based on/inspired by her friends is not. But regardless of whether it was intentional or not, her actions HAVE hurt her friends, and that is something she SHOULD apologize for if she actually cares about her friends. Intent doesn’t matter, because as it stands, if Jessica had never written that play, her friends wouldn’t have been hurt. Jessica is directly responsible for all of this, and taking the logical, “work of fiction … similarities to people living or dead … etc.” approach to defend herself is causing her to ignore the impression she has made on her friends.
Comment ID #25299
See, on one hand I do sympathize with the idea of Jess using her play to express her story and how she felt; she deserves apologies for what she went through! But on the other, she did completely stereotype her friends (and even her girlfriend!) into one-dimensional characters. Yes, Rachel DOES exhibit some of the behaviors her play-counterpart has, but there’s more to her than just that, and we’ve seen it? Just because someone acts a certain way often doesn’t mean it’s the only thing that defines them… And, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it a little bit scummy to portray Madison’s character as the one who comforts her and doesn’t pay attention to the rumors, when…. it was Rachel who did that? It feels like shes completely disregarding Rachel’s support during that time…
Comment ID #25300
Not to mention that Jess COMPLETELY refuses to acknowledge anything correlating to real life until it benefits herself. Not saying she doesn’t deserve the apologies, but it says a lot on it’s own. You can’t have it both ways, either you intentionally portrayed your story in your play, or it was all accidental and done subconsciously….
Comment ID #25301
Jessica: Quiet, let me have my moment!
Rachel: >:(
Jessica: :)