*The students line up to participate in the next race. Sue holds Amaya by her ankles.*
Sue: Don’t kick me, now!
*Daisy is beside Sue, also in the lower position, with her hands on the grass.*
*Paulo, holding Lucy by her ankles, grins.*
Paulo: Haha, this is a pretty awesome view.
*Lucy kicks him in the face.*
Lucy: Would you like to keep your eyes?
Paulo: OWW!! OKAY, sorry!!
*Katie, also in racing position, stares in David’s direction longingly.*
Katie: David..
Pug teacher: Are you actually capable of playing ANY of these sports?
*David balances a ball on his nose like a seal.*
David: ♪
David: It’s all just fun and games, right?
*An injured student stands in the background, wrapped up in a full-body cast.*
Student: …
*David holds up an arrow.*
David: So what’s this thing for?
*The pug teacher, horrified, moves to shield the student.*
Pug teacher: NO!!
*Katie, still on her hands, pouts.*
Katie: If I can just get a moment to ask--
Poodle teacher: GO!!
Katie: Eh?
Mike: C’mon, let’s go!
*Katie turns around to see Mike, smiling encouragingly.*
*Katie looks relieved.*
Katie (thinking): Oh, phew, I thought he was gonna go, like, psycho on me.
*Katie begins to walk on her hands, looking determined.*
Katie (thinking): The sooner we get to the finish line, the sooner I can--
*Katie falls face first on the ground with a “THUNK”.*
*Mike sweats slightly and puts on an encouraging smile.*
Mike: Ahah.. aww, you can try again..
Katie: But my nail is jammed into the grass!! This is so disgusting!!
*Mike notices Lucy and Paulo pass by him. Lucy has a smug grin. Paulo is blushing profusely and is surrounded by love hearts.*
Lucy: Hey, Mike!
Lucy: See you at the finish line, jerkface!
*Mike looks stunned.*
Mike: …
*Mike narrows his eyes.*
Mike: Grr…
*Yashy, still tied to Blur from the three legged race, raises her arms in victory. Blur smiles sheepishly.*
Yashy: We finally made it! Did we come first?
Blur: It’s been over!!

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Reader comments
Comment ID #20337
Paulo you lucky son of a gun…
Cuddle Bear May 11, 2010, 9:48 PM EDT.
Comment ID #57611
If team sports were co-ed like this, I think I would have particiated more…
Pk-Dj July 9, 2010, 4:00 AM EDT.
Comment ID #170504
David July 3, 2011, 10:02 AM EDT.