16. Field Day, original chapter posted 8/4/06

Page 8 of 12

Field Day — Page 8



*Mike walks forward with Katie. He looks furious. Katie grumbles.*
Katie: ughh

*Katie turns back to Mike looking annoyed.*
Katie: How do you guys live like this?!
*Mike continues to stare forward angrily.*
Mike: Whatever.

*Lucy, ahead of them, looks back and tauntingly sticks her tongue out with a wink.*
Lucy: Nyehh ♥

*Mike glares, flames appearing behind him.*

*Katie falls onto her face yet again, as Mike begins to gather speed.*
Katie: Aughh!

*Katie is startled as Mike keeps pushing her forward before she can get back up.*
Katie: ?!

*Mike’s determined walk begins to press Katie’s face into the ground. She is pushed through it like a plow.*
Katie: Aughh! Like, let me get up!

*Katie screams out as Mike pushes her harder and faster through the dirt.*
Katie: AHHHH!!

*Lucy looks ahead to the finish line, looking proud. Paulo is still very pleased. Something moving at an incredible speed approaches behind them.*
Lucy: There’s the finish line!

*Lucy is shocked as Katie, still face down in the dirt, tears through the ground beside her.*

*The ribbon at the finish line is torn.*

Poodle teacher:
*The poodle teacher stares on, baffled.*

Poodle teacher: It’s a TIE!!
*Mike rests on the ground, panting and drenched in sweat. Lucy stares at him with wide eyes.*

*He turns to Lucy with a vindictive grin.*
Mike: Ahaha! Who’s laughing now, huh?

*Lucy shakes her fist with an annoyed look.*
Lucy: Grrr..

*Mike smiles, looking exhausted. Lucy glares.*
Mike: Adjust for my partner’s handicap, and I think I won this round!
*Paulo throws up a thumbs-up to the viewer, still blushing.*

*Blur and Yashy approach Katie, who is still limply lying face down in the dirt. Blur looks concerned.*
Blur: Are you alright?

*David crouches down beside the trench Katie’s face cut through the dirt.*
David: Hey, I didn’t know they had a bowling lane!

Author commentary

Veronica: Paulo is just living life right now, yet again too distracted by Lucy to realise Katie is, once again, covered in mud.

Mike is so cool lmao

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #20338

I wonder what her face looks like now. David got this sport right! GOOD JOB DAVID! d(^_^)b

Cuddle Bear May 11, 2010, 9:50 PM EDT.

Comment ID #65683

ow that looks like it hurts

j the fourth July 27, 2010, 8:53 PM EDT.

Comment ID #117555

im mad mike sprinted with her face in the ground.
HEY…David got a sport right! (gutter for bowling)

ad November 3, 2010, 12:59 AM EDT.

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