16. Field Day, original chapter posted 8/4/06

Page 4 of 12

Field Day — Page 4



*Katie strokes her chin.*
Katie: I wonder if he’s also using, like, volumizing conditioner? Or some kind of oil?

*David holds up a football to the PE teacher, mistaking it for a tennis ball. The teacher holds a hand to his temple in anguish.*

*Katie stares at David with a yearning expression.*
Katie: How DOES he do it?
Katie: I want to LOOK LIKE THAT!

Poodle teacher: GO!
Katie: Huh?

*Katie gets suddenly yanked off screen.*
Katie: YEEEEEK!!

*Katie looks down at Lucy and realizes the race has begun.*
Katie (thinking): Oh, I, like, totally forgot!

*Katie looks back toward David.*
Katie (thinking): Whatever.. maybe it’s, like, homemade? I heard a lot of people are making things now that are all-natural..

*Lucy barely catches herself as Katie falls face first into the dirt with a “FWOMP”.*

*Lucy scowls.*
Lucy: Get up, get up!
*Katie, ignoring Lucy, looks back at David and pouts.*
Katie: Or maybe it’s just coconut?

Lucy: Can you stop thinking about this for a moment and just finish the race with me?!
*Katie picks herself back up while giving Lucy an annoyed look.*
Katie: Okay, whatever!

Lucy: LET’S GO!!
Katie: YEAH!!
*Both girls run forward with determination.*

*Katie falls on her face again, harder than before, pulling Lucy down with her.*

*Lucy, now panicked, yells at Katie underneath her.*
Katie: Avocado?

*Mike and Paulo pull ahead of Lucy and Katie. Lucy notices and looks up.*
Paulo: Almost at the finish line!

Mike: Heh.. better luck next time, Lucy..
*Mike flashes a smarmy grin at Lucy.*

Mike: Nothing wrong with last place.
*Lucy watches the two take the lead, bewildered.*

*Lucy, utterly furious, bares her teeth and clenches her fist.*

*Yashy and Blur, somewhere further back, hop along.*
Yashy: Hey, we’re comin’ up from behind!
Blur: I guess we might not come in last after all..

Author commentary

Veronica: It’s nice when you see Mike with a backbone! There are times where he isn’t all humble and timid and going with the flow, it’s not just Lucy who is the competitive one! Mike can definitely become pretty merciless when provoked.. though the word that needs to be stressed is “provoked."

And Lucy sure likes doing a lot of that!

At least you still stand a chance, Lucy, unlike Yashy and Blur!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #59337

it would be funny if yashy and blur won the race

Banana-kun July 13, 2010, 6:33 PM EDT.

Comment ID #61584

Ah… You gotta love how awesome this is…

Skykitsune July 20, 2010, 1:00 AM EDT.

Comment ID #127583

Eighteenth panel is my favourite…So scary.

SushiJaguar November 17, 2010, 1:59 AM EST.

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