*Mike and Lucy clench their fists, facing off.*
Mike: Okay, enough of these partners! Now it’s down to you and me!
Lucy: You’re on!
*Lucy shakily draws her bow, and barely misses the center of the target.*
*Lucy holds a finger to her lip, sweating slightly.*
Lucy: I.. I think my hand slipped..
*Mike crosses his arms and smirks.*
Mike: Nice try.
Mike: Hmm..
*Mike shakily draws his bow and manages to land in the same area of the target as Lucy.*
*Mike and Lucy raise a fist at each other.*
Poodle teacher: Tie!
Mike and Lucy: Grrr!
Lucy: Hap!
*Lucy tosses her ring.*
Mike: Hah!
*Mike tosses his ring.*
*The two score an equal amount on the ring toss targets.*
Poodle teacher: Tie!
*Mike and Lucy stare each other down.*
Mike and Lucy: Grrr!
Lucy: Hyah!!
*Lucy throws her ball through a hoop.*
Mike: C’mon..
*Mike throws his ball through a hoop.*
*Lucy pulls on Mike’s scarf while he crosses his arms.*
Poodle teacher: Tie!!
Mike and Lucy: Grrrrr!!
Lucy: Ahh!
*Lucy throws her basketball, which bounces off the rim of the hoop.*
Lucy: N-NO!!
*She clutches her face looking distraught. Mike spins his ball on his finger with a smug grin.*
Mike: Hahaha!
Mike: And with this throw..
*Mike makes his shot, looking cocky.*
Mike: .. comes my victory..
*His ball bounces off the rim of the hoop.*
*Mike and Lucy both look devastated with blank eyes, while David gives both a big thumbs-up.*
David: Equality!

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Reader comments
Comment ID #20235
Random David!!!!
this guy May 11, 2010, 3:07 PM EDT.
Comment ID #61588
Heh, I’d totally pwn them at medieval archery. Freaking love it!
Skykitsune July 20, 2010, 1:11 AM EDT.
Comment ID #93864
david just thinks they are doing target practice in the last one and they totally hit the target spot on! too bad they arent using the darts like they are supposed to be though
yes September 20, 2010, 11:53 PM EDT.