69. At Loose Ends, page posted 1/20/12

Page 9 of 48

At Loose Ends — Page 9

Author commentary

Veronica: A fun fact I wanted to add regarding the last few pages — I was originally planning for Abbey to go out to look for his mother.

He was supposed to take a bus with Daisy and to bring some cash to book a hotel, and there was meant to be a really silly scene where they’d be stuck in a hotel room with one bed, and Abbey would demand Daisy use it, and Daisy would refuse and tell him to use it, to the point they both eventually passed out on the floor, neither using the bed.

Obviously, not only would this have required a BOATLOAD OF backgrounds and complicated scenes like hotel rooms, busses, etc, it just didn’t feel realistic! You really expect Abbey and Daisy, two teenage kids, going out to another freaken city and figuring out the mystery of what happened to his mother over the course of a few days? Quite ridiculous!

It made more sense for Janet to tell Abbey to just go to his party, she will do the research.

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Reader comments

Comment ID #206129

the fateful day? D:

Xdepression January 20, 2012, 12:01 AM EST.

Comment ID #206131

Oh Abbey… You are so sadface. Let Daisy cuddle it off you…

SJ January 20, 2012, 12:02 AM EST.

Comment ID #206146

His dad’s car? I have a bad feeling about this.

Darf14 January 20, 2012, 12:14 AM EST.

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