79. Critical Hit, page posted 9/12/13

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Critical Hit — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: Hey, new chapter guys! It will broaden your minds, as all art should.

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Comment ID #259269

lol now this is a real class act.
I am guessing that Paulo is the “Monster” and David is the “Super Weapon”.
Good thing Sue made it in time to save Tokyo from David with her “FALCON PUSH!”
Also, lol at Sue trying to pick up and move David aside who’s all “Fo’ realz, gurl?”
I am already liking this chapter!

Blank On Purpose September 12, 2013, 1:06 PM EDT.

Comment ID #259295

Most of these characters are only 15/16. What much else could they have done? They tried talking to her family, that didn’t work, and even when Mike went to find out at the hospital he was also vaguely sent away. They probably still have no specific information outside of Lucy is gone, they probably don’t know exactly why or where, and with that little of information not much can be done as young teenagers. I think it’s been obvious that they’ve all been down, some more than others because not everyone single character is 100% bffs tight-for-life close to Lucy. Are you saying that they should put a total and complete halt to their life, rather than try to move on because they understand there is little to nothing they can personally do about the situation?

Having chapter upon chapter of moping over Lucy would be repetitive and unproductive. There were 3 whole chapters dealing with characters(mostly Paulo and Mike as they were the closest to her) “coping” with Lucy leaving essentially, a total of 59 pages. That’s not “brief”.

Carmen September 12, 2013, 3:10 PM EDT.

Comment ID #259414

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy.
Reading the comments is just amusing.
There’s more in BCB than Lucy.
Personally glad that she’s gone, now we can focus in OTHERS characters for a change.
I have no right to state this but nothing more boring that focus in one or two characters. It’s the mains the only shit you care????
Well there’s a thing about them, since we have to stalk them the whole time, we know EVERYTHING about them. B-oring. So sulk it, Lucy is gone. Good as dead. For now.
Take this as chance to learn more about OTHERS characters until she steals the whole spotlight again. Yay for variety.
And you know what? The author was expecting to end the series with Michael wimping in the wall. Did you want that? Nope.
Those new chapters totally just proved we don’t need the tsundere bitch to keep it rolling.
Oh I don’t have anything against her. I just like to see the environment around the friggin mains too. This is fresh. New interactions, new adventures, new stuff not moping just because some main is gone. RARE FANSERVICE, how many series we see doing this? Help me count I can’t remember any. Oh, breaking the rules! That’s good.
That’s very good.

Knux-the-Killer September 13, 2013, 5:10 AM EDT.

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