79. Critical Hit, page posted 10/2/13

Page 15 of 22

Critical Hit — Page 15

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Comment ID #260767

And then a critical hit was landed on paulos conscience by his mature friends. And some douche museum guy keeps pushing paulo in the face. What is this the be rude museum?

Blue fox October 2, 2013, 1:12 PM EDT.

Comment ID #260792

@ everyone talking about violence as a social norm:

It is just as likely that our writer/artist is just a fan of slapstick humor. While the comic has plenary of drama, Taeshi keeps a balance of of humor to keep the comic… Bittersweet.

Happy Huginn October 2, 2013, 2:23 PM EDT.

Comment ID #260823

@Adekii, the difference is he’s not bopping or hitting Paulo. He’s shoving him, like a good guard would do if he believes someone is attempting to slip in, there’s a difference in context here. With Lucy it has since been specifically pointed out that Lucy was injuring Mike. This was done to expressly retcon the first acts playful slapstick to have actual consequences. Further, you can clearly tell the difference, punch impact uses a (i know this is the wrong word) star flash to indicate a physical impact. What we have here are movement lines around the arm and alert lines above Paulo’s head. Nothing in the artwork indicates a punch or slap.

buchanen_neket October 2, 2013, 7:28 PM EDT.

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