94. Model Girlfriend, page posted 8/3/16

Page 14 of 46

Model Girlfriend — Page 14

Author commentary

Veronica: see ya

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

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Relative:I think the computer might have been delivered.
The order for that was only confirmed yesterday,if it could have gotten here in less than twenty-four hours without the $*0-Some extra you would need to pay then I really am not aware of the city-country-but-mainly-country combination I live in or something.Still,this is a nice arrival to cross off the list of things that are to show up.

Tumblr: faline-cat444 August 3, 2016

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For the time being Lucy’s going to be downstairs with the little green tiger and raccoon puppet that also happen to be in this room

Tumblr: faline-cat444 August 3, 2016

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